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Mid-Year Check-In: 3 Essential Steps for Entrepreneurs and Leaders to Review Their Goals

Darlene Hawley

As we hit the halfway mark of the year, it's the perfect time for us as entrepreneurs and organizational leaders to pause, reflect, and realign our goals. Assessing where you stand and making necessary adjustments can be the difference between ending the year strong or falling short of your aspirations.

The picture above is my family on a bridge in Manchester on our way to dinner.

How is it almost JULY? Does anyone else feel like the year's first half has flown by?

I'm back from a magical two-week road trip around the UK. If you aren't following me on Instagram, head over there now and give me a follow. I'm uploading pics from my trip to show each day's adventure. 
Follow along on my adventure.

As we hit the halfway mark of the year, it's the perfect time for us as entrepreneurs and organizational leaders to pause, reflect, and realign our goals. Assessing where you stand and making necessary adjustments can be the difference between ending the year strong or falling short of your aspirations.

I was on a client call this morning with a client discussing her marketing strategy and she was a bit frustrated with how one of her strategies, which typically brings in 30% of her business, was no longer working as effectively. I dug in and asked her a bunch of questions, and we were able to identify some changes she would make, and she was excited to test and measure the new approach.

It may be time for you to ask some hard questions and see if you should continue doing things the way you've been.

Here are three crucial steps to help you effectively check in with your goals and set yourself up for a successful second half of the year.

1. Review and Reflect on Your Progress

The first step in your mid-year check-in is to look at your progress so far. This involves both quantitative and qualitative assessments.

  • KPIs:  Look at your key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics. Have you hit your sales targets? Are your customer lead numbers on track? How do your financials compare to your projections? I love looking at the data and using it to measure your progress objectively.
  • Reflect on the qualitative aspects of your goals: Ask yourself are you satisfied with your team's growth? How is morale within your organization? Are your marketing efforts yielding the desired brand recognition?

Review your findings, highlighting your achievements and areas where you've fallen short. This reflection will provide a clear picture of your current position and set the stage for your next steps.

2. Realign Your Goals with Your Vision

Once you clearly understand your progress, it's time to realign your goals with your overarching vision. This step is crucial because it ensures that you remain focused on your long-term objectives while adapting to changes over the past six months.

  • Reevaluate Your Goals: Are your goals still relevant? Have any significant changes in your industry, market conditions, or personal circumstances required you to adjust your goals? 
  • Prioritize and Adjust: Based on your review, prioritize the goals that are most critical to your success. You may need to scale back on some objectives or shift your focus to new opportunities. Adjust your goals to be realistic and attainable for the remainder of the year.

By realigning your goals, you can maintain a clear direction and stay motivated to achieve your desired outcomes.

3. Develop an Action Plan and Do The Work

With your goals realigned, the final step is to develop a detailed action plan for the next six months and commit to executing it.

  • Create a Roadmap: Break down your goals into specific, actionable steps. Assign deadlines and responsibilities to ensure accountability. Whether launching a new product, expanding your marketing efforts, or improving operational efficiency, having a clear roadmap will guide your efforts.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Establish regular check-ins to monitor your progress. This could be weekly or monthly, depending on the nature of your goals. Use these check-ins to assess what's working and what isn't, and be prepared to make adjustments as needed. 
  • Stay Committed: Many plans falter when it comes to execution. Stay committed to your action plan by maintaining focus, leveraging your team's strengths, and celebrating small wins. Consistent effort and dedication will drive you towards your year-end goals.

The mid-year point is a valuable opportunity for you to assess your progress and make strategic adjustments. Reviewing your progress, realigning your goals with your vision, and developing a concrete action plan will ensure you're on the right track to finish the year strong. If you're anything like me, they might not be your favorite things to do, but I promise you'll position yourself and your business for continued growth and success.

If you're struggling with creating the right marketing and visibility plan, know I've got you!

I'm releasing a membership group for entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and experts who are brand new in business or have been in business for a while and are overwhelmed with all the strategies they think they should be doing and though they get sparatic sales, are looking to bring in consistent sales. Send me an email or DM with the word VISIBLE and I'll add you to the waitlist with an extra bonus.

10 Effective Communication Tips

I offer 1:1 Leadership & Business Coaching & Team Trainings! If you would like to explore what working together would look like, I invite you to submit an application.


Darlene Hawley, Personal Branding & Business Coach for service based entrepreneurs

Hey There!

I'm Darlene

A mother, wife, connector and dream builder. I'm a Personal Branding & Business Coach and the founder of

I have a passion for helping online entrepreneurs to create an authentic, magnetizing and profitable brand and business by tapping into their story. I support them by creating a solid brand foundation that allows them to attract their ideal clients and stand out in their industry. I've been committed to helping entrepreneurs launch and grow their business since 2007. 

I now spends my time supporting women to reach their goals and live out their dream life, all while raising my family and creating memories each and every day.

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