Revive Your Visibility

Your people are searching for you...

It's time to increase your visibility and clearly communicate your message so you can speak up, stand out, and make more impact.

Yes! I'm Ready

Revive Your Visibility

3 Things to Bring into Your Pitching

Join me July 31, 2024 

9am PT / 12pm ET for a

 60-Minute Workshop & Hot Seat Experience

Does it Feel like you've hit a summer slump? Have you intended to reach out to prospective clients, pitch podcasts, maybe even submit yourself for your first or next speaking gig? And none of those things have come to fruition, or at least not in the fullest expression of how you'd hope?

I've got you.

Having just come back from an awesome two week summer vacation in the UK, I recognize that sometimes we need a break, sometimes we need a plan, sometimes we need a thought partner, and sometimes we need all three.

As somebody who's been in business for nearly 17 years, I've recognized that there are seasons for visibility, and sometimes, when what worked in one season comes to a plateau, if we try to do the same things over and over, we just stay on that hamster wheel.

That's why I’ve created this 60 minute workshop & hot seat coaching session just for those who are experiencing the summer visibility slump.

Join me!

During the workshop you'll:

We work with you to come up with the very best solutions for your challenges!


Crystal Clarity

Explore hot visibility channels and identify where and how you should be spending your time.


Brand Storytelling

Identify stories that call in and convert prospects without using and relying on AI.


Unique Strategies

Discover strategies to stand out in your space so you can still enjoy your summer and trust your fall will be fully booked.

Darlene Hawley Brand & Business Clarity Coach

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Hi, I’m Darlene Hawley, speaker, business coach, and communication expert who shows ambitious, heart-centered entrepreneurs and rising business leaders how to speak up, stand out, and make more impact.


My genius is twofold. I show entrepreneurs 2+ years into their business how to deepen their business foundation and go after visibility so they can share their message with the world, attract dream clients, and have the impact, freedom, and flexibility they desire.


And I support organizational leaders and their teams to strengthen their inner and outer voice so that they can speak up for themselves and the ideas and issues that matter most and move people to take action whenever they speak.

As the host of the Attract & Stand Out Podcast, I've been featured on podcasts, in articles, and on stages such as the Thoughtful Entrepreneur, Authority Magazine, Elephant Journal, CVS, Salvation Army, Pechanga Casino, UNLV, MACC Project, Bank of America and San Diego Gas & Electric.


Prior to starting my own business, I worked her way up in big box retail operations management, as a mortgage loan officer, and as a financial coach. I've been committed to helping entrepreneurs launch and grow their businesses since 2007.


I'm a certified Step into Your Moxie® Facilitator, and a past SCORE Inland Empire Workshop Chapter Chair and past president of the International Coach Federation of Nevada.


I'm a mom of four, partner, connector, storyteller, and dream builder based in Temecula, California.

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